Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Control Week - End of Day Six

There's only one day left of my control week. Tomorrow at lunch, I'm going to fill up the tank and figure out what my gas mileage was for this week of "normal" driving.

Also, today, I made it to a scrap metal recycling place and they let me weigh my car (seemed like it might be somewhat common). So, it is currently sitting at 2940 pounds (with me in it - about 175 pounds). According to Edmunds, the curb weight is/was 2855 pounds, so I guess I must have unintentionally reduced the weight by some of my repairs over the years. I'd love to be able to pull out 940 pounds and bring it down to an even ton, but I doubt I'll be able to get that much out. Sometime over the next week, I'll get that done and be sure to post the results.

Anyway, here's the next to last picture of my control week. I'm up to 126.5 miles and I've used about 1/4 of the tank (which is supposed 15.9 gallons - so that'd put me close to 30 mpg, but we'll see for sure tomorrow).

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