Monday, July 28, 2008

Hypermiling Week - End of Day Five

There are only two days left! I'm not feeling very confident about my results so far, so I might push it a bit longer and see how well I can do over the course of a full tank of gas. As you can see in the picture below, I've used about 1/4 of a tank and I'm at 122.9 miles. I think this is actually better than my normal week of driving since at the end of the week I had only gone 147.6 miles on about 3/8 of a tank. I'm pretty sure I can get more than 24.7 miles out of the next 1/8th of a tank (based on the first 1/4, I should get another 60 miles or so). Anyway, we'll find out soon enough.

For your amusement, here are some hypermiling quotes from our contestants:

"Screaming passengers are a verification of healthy hypermiling techniques." - AB quoting something seen elsewhere (I apologize for not having the actual source here.)

"I felt so great that I got about a mile with zero gas usage." - Me (concerning a coast with the car turned off while taking a highway exit and approaching a red light)

"I am rocking this challenge like a 10.0 on the Richter. You're gonna owe me all kinds of rewards, and I might even sign a deal on teaching a hypermiling class at our local community college. It's in the works." - Mr Cocky (aka BH)

"When the road was wet at lunch, the truck wants to fish tail badly in a turn. I told her to calm down and not to waste any energy. It seems that everyone is getting frustrated." - AB, my favorite quote of the competition.

"Just be sure to call one of us to come pick you up when she rams into a median barrier. No shame, no judgments, just a tow or ride when needed." - BH, in response to AB

"It was the most brutal drive home yesterday that I've ever experienced... and traffic wasn't the problem." - BH

"I got passed by 3 dump trucks this morning on the way to work." - AB

Here's my current status (sorry for the bad glare - it's sunny at the top of the driveway):

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